On 20 and 21 November, the "Conference on Biodiversity Information and Environmental Administrations" was held in La Laguna (Tenerife), organised by the Government of the Canary Islands and GBIF/CSIC.
In this edition, the conference, which has been held since 2009, was organised in the following thematic blocks:
- Tracking and monitoring of species and habitats: in which the talk "Tracking of Elasmobranchs in the Canary Islands Marine Demarcation" was given as part of the project "Tracking of Elasmobranchs in the Archipelago".
- Monitoring networks, in which a talk was given on "The role of marine citizen science in the early detection and monitoring of changes in marine biodiversity: the case of RedPROMAR in the Canary Islands", as part of the Monitoring of Introduced Species in the Canary Islands project.
- New technologies and new data sources and typologies.
- Databases and web portals.
- Habitat restoration.
At these events, the participants had the opportunity to share spaces with technical experts from environmental administrations at regional and national level, to learn about other projects and to share
We would like to thank the organisers for counting on us and for such a productive and necessary initiative - see you at the next edition!
If you would like to know more about this conference or find out about all the talks given, click on this link.
This project is co-financed by the European Union as part of the Canary Islands ERDF Programme 2021-2027.
ℹ️ℹ️ The Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) is an international network and data infrastructure funded by the world's governments to give anyone, anywhere, open access to data on all forms of life on Earth. You can find out more about the GBIF in Spain here. Its mission is to support Spanish biodiversity collections, centres and projects.